A 6 hour workshop on
Integrative Trauma Release
Friday, June 28, 2019 • 10a – 5p
With the help of a story, you will experience light arousal (the sympathetic nervous system) and calming ( the parasympathetic nervous system). You will hear personal stories of childhood trauma and how unprocessed emotions then become locked in the energetic centers of the body and brain, and if not expressed, can result in chronic stress, organ malfunction, physical ailments and disease, as well as disruptive behavior patterns, phobias and emotional imbalances.
Explore building inner and outer resources
Learn about myths and facts about trauma
Hear about case histories and resolutions
You can volunteer to do a process on a potentially traumatic event
Learn about emotional first aid to prevent hurtful events from becoming traumatic
For more information:
The Conversation Group Bridge Room
11340 West Olympic Blvd, Suite 210
West Los Angeles
Friday, June 28, 2019 • 10am – 5pm
$150 (6 CEUs available for additional fee)
Call (310) 393-1502
André Patenaude, D. Min. is a Certified Imago Relationship Therapist who has been doing mind/body work for over forty years. He has been trained in Peter Levine's Somatic Experiencing process. He studied with Colin Ross, MD Author of The Trauma Model and also trained in Dr. John Whitman Ray's Body Electronics. He is also a certified hypnotherapist.



BASIC FEE including 6 CEUs