Joyce Patenaude, PhD, MFT
André S. Patenaude, D.Min
Certified Imago Relationship Therapists
Joyce and André work with couples and families to heal and transform relationships.
Joyce has been a transformational psychotherapist for over 35 years. She is a gifted Artist (patenaudefineart.com), educator, and a published author, of “Too Tired To Keep Running, Too Scared to Stop.” Along with her husband André, Dr. Patenaude was trained and certified by Dr. Harville Hendrix, founder of Imago Relationship Therapy. They have worked successfully together in transforming relationships for over 20 years. Because they are committed to having a conscious relationship themselves. They truly walk their talk. They are able to help all relationships move through conflict towards connection, collaboration, and consciousness.
André has been a spiritual counselor for over forty years. He is the founder of ITR (Integrative Trauma Release) an integrated mind-body approach to healing trauma. He has trained with Dr. Peter Levine (Somatic Experiencing), Dr. Colin Ross M.D. (The Trauma Model) and Dr. John Whitman Ray (Body Electronics) His latest work includes a hands-on healing modality to erase old limiting programs and beliefs. André also brings his many years of healing work into his work as a certified Imago Relationship Therapist.
Feel free to view this video, a testimonial to their work: VIDEO
Santa Monica
808 2nd Street • (310) 393-1502