Feeling stuck in your work with couples?
An Imago Advanced Course
From Despair to Repair
with Master Trainer, Maya Kollman, MA
When couple’s come to our office, they are often in a state of despair. They don’t understand despite their many efforts why they can’t connect with each other. They experience their disconnects as dangerous and a sign that something is wrong with them and the relationship. Our job as therapists is to provide a pathway for them to repair their ruptures so that the ruptures are no longer cause for a sense of hopelessness and failure.
Los Angeles | Friday through Sunday, March 15-17, 2019
We live in a society where success means you are happy all the time. We are not prepared for the inevitable ups and downs of our relationships. We do not understand that our conflicts and ruptures are growth trying to happen. In this training you will learn about your role as a regulator of a dysregulated system. Of course, the place where this is most difficult is when the rupture involves an infidelity or a chronic addiction or domestic violence.
When a crisis of this nature shows up in our office it is even more vital that we explore our own biases and triggers so we can stay neutral and grounded. In this training, you will have a chance to explore your own triggers and what gets in the way of you being able to be calm in the face of the pain and upset in your office. You will gain tools to quiet the stormy waters, so that a couple can move from their reptile into their frontal lobe and become a team in service of the relationship.
Learning Objectives:
Understand the gold underneath the crisis that is presenting itself.
Explain the therapist’s role in establishing a safe and empathic structure when couples are polarized and in crisis.
Utilize Imago processes to promote secure attachment and emotional regulation in an insecure, dysregulated couple system.
Describe and clinically use a relational neuroscience model to enhance the dialogue.
Assess the therapist’s counter-transference and potential for vicarious traumatization when working with crisis couples.
Los Angeles | Friday through Sunday, March 15-17, 2019
Where: The home of Evie Shafner, 173 S. Orange Dr, Los Angeles
When: Friday through Sunday, March 15-17-2019
To register: You must register through Imago Relationships International directly. The cost for the training is $600. To register, call 859-226-4624 or 800-729-1121 or visit the IRI website. You will pay a registration fee of $60 (10%) to IRI. Then once you are officially registered, you will be directed to this page to pay the balance of the fee:
Facilitator fee: $540
Facilitator fee PLUS 22 CEUs: $565
Additional questions: Contact Yael Ravid 818-288-5432 (this number is not for registration)
Meet your facilitator: Maya Kollman, MA
Maya is a gifted therapist and Relationship Life Coach, a passionate and down-to-earth workshop presenter, and a powerful clinical instructor of mental health professionals. She is warm and funny, knowledgeable and intuitive, which makes for learning that appeals to everyone.
In all her work, Maya is a master of creating a safe environment for everyone to look honestly at themselves and others and learn how to take their own next steps in healing and growth. She believes in
the potential of people and in their capacity for deeper connection and transformation. She holds the vision of each person's best self in a way that helps them live more fully and more consciously in their life, their relationships, and their work.
Maya is one of only five certified Master Trainers in Imago Relationship Therapy. Trained and certified by Dr. Hendrix and the Institute of Imago Relationship Therapy, Maya is a clinical instructor who trains therapists in all levels of Imago Relationship Therapy training.
“The more we as practitioners understand our own struggles with connection, the more we can help others.”